13 aug. 2010

American's are NOT stupid, just a littel

- Which State dose KFC come from?

- What, the chicken? hahaha. I don't know, I really don't know.

- Ok, do you know what KFC stands for?

Kentucky Fried Chicken, right?

ME: Hahahaha


5 comentarii:

  1. -Who is Fidel Castro?
    -A singer?

    -How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris?
    -I say, about ten!

    -Where was the Berlin wall?
    -Aaah Israel?


  2. Tot asta e cea mai tare:

    Reporter: - Name a country that begins with U.
    Girl: - A country?
    R: - Yes.
    G: - ...
    G: - ...
    R: - What about this one.
    G: - What?
    R: - Unitate State of America. Dăăăăăă?! :))

  3. :)) GEEEZE!!! Ma simt mult mai bine acum ca tanti profa ne baga pe gat "inutilitatile" astea in anii de scoala... Cine s-ar fi gandit ca americanii sunt chiar atat de stupizi?? Nu ca unii romani ar fi mai prejos...nicidecum; ii gasesti la tot pasul, exemple sunt nenumarate pe youtube, insa...Iisuse, chiar ATAT DE PROSTI?!??

  4. Si cand te gandesti ca SUA e mult mai mare decat Romanica noastra :))
